Growing your own leadership pipeline: The case of an urban school leadership residency
Published in Exploring Principal Development and Teacher Outcomes: How School Leaders Can Strengthen Teacher Efficacy and Commitment, Edited by P. Youngs, J. Kim, & M. Mavrogordato, 2021
Recommended citation: Steele, J. L., Steiner, E. D., & Hamilton, L. S. (2021). Growing your own leadership pipeline: The case of an urban school leadership residency. In P. Youngs, J. Kim, & M. Mavrogordato (Eds.), Exploring Principal Development and Teacher Outcomes: How School Leaders Can Strengthen Teacher Efficacy and Commitment (1st ed., pp. 11–26). Routledge.
Abstract: Drawing on a five-year study of a school leadership pipeline effort in a small city, this qualitative chapter offers recommendations for school districts about how to foster distributed leadership even when principal jobs are scarce. Based on annual focus groups and interviews with leadership residents and on interviews with school, district, and charter management organization (CMO) leaders, we found that aspiring leaders appreciated the residency program’s focus on instructional improvement but also wished for more guidance in culturally relevant and operational leadership. Recommendations include the need for cities to anticipate human capital needs at program inception and to formalize the mentoring role of existing school principals.